Simple Snow Recipe for Indoor Fun
Updated: Feb 19, 2018
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Now that my children have gotten a glimpse of the white coating outside, with “Frozen” in mind, all they keep asking to do is play in the snow. While I am happy to take them outside, it is chilly and I cannot last very long. With the unstructured time of vacation (and snow days) approaching and lots more cold weather forecasted, here is a simple and fun way to bring the snow indoors and provide a cool tactile experience.
The best part? You only need two household ingredients:
Baking Soda
Combine 3 cups of baking soda with ½ cup of conditioner, and mix. The resulting product is cool to the touch. Give your child(ren) some spoons, cups, and small bowls to dump and fill. Challenge them to roll the “snow” into a snowman.
Have fun!