Schedule an Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy evaluation
Does your child struggle with self-care skills, play, learning and transitions because of poor sensory processing and motor coordination?

POTS occupational therapists will engage your child’s body and mind to develop the skills he/she needs to become more independent and navigate the most difficult times of the day

The goal of occupational therapy is to bridge the gap between your child and his or her environment. At POTS we help children thrive, not just survive, in every environment in which they need to function, home, school, birthday parties, and more, by supporting their gross and fine motor skills, play skills, self-care, sensory processing, self-regulation, social skills, attention and behavior.
Our interventions are designed to tap into your children’s strengths and engage their bodies and minds to develop the skills they need to become more independent. We partner with you to develop strategies to help you navigate the most difficult times of the day at home and recommend school accommodations to enable your child to succeed in school.