MEDEK is the Dynamic Method for Kinesthetic Stimulation, a therapeutic intervention for the development of postural and gross motor skills in children with hypotonia and movement disorders. It is often a faster more aggressive method of achieving motor milestones than traditional techniques. Parents are expected to follow through with specific exercises twice a day at home.
What is Medek?
MEDEK, the Dynamic Method of Kinetic Stimulation, is a form of hands-on therapy developed by Chilean physical therapist, Ramon Cuevas. This unique approach focuses on eliciting developmental motor milestones and developing gross motor skills in infants and children with hypertonia, hypotonia and other movement disorders. Exercises unique to this technique stimulate the automatic movements that contribute to postural control, and movement patterns fundamental to rolling, sitting, standing and walking.. Advantages of this approach are often more rapid progress than in traditional techniques, and an opportunity for parents to participate in a daily structured home program to boost the rate of progress.
Who benefits from Medek?
Infants and children with delayed developmental motor milestones
Why does Medek work?​
Restrictive movement at an early age limits the development of brain structures that support movement, and causes muscle weakness and deformities that lead to more severe motor deficits. MEDEK encourages early assessment and treatment, as it has been well documented that brain development is affected by movement.
What is the therapeutic process?​
During the first MEDEK session the child is assessed using a unique evaluation protocol. After the initial evaluation, an eight-week trial program is designed to include:
One to three 45-minute treatment session per week
A gradually expanding home exercise program of 4-8 exercises that parents implement twice daily for 10-20 minutes
Ample time is set aside to teach the exercises, and observe and coach parents or caregivers to make sure they are comfortable with each exercise and can perform them safely, before following through at home
If there is progress within the first eight weeks, the MEDEK program will be continued. If there is no progress, other techniques will be recommended as alternatives.
How important is the home program?​
The home program is an essential part of MEDEK. The exercises do not require the child’s attention, conscious thought or cooperation. Many parents are happy for an opportunity to take a proactive role in their child’s progress, enjoy doing the exercises with their children, and benefit from a structured plan with clear goals.